IUPAT District Council 5.
IUPAT District Council 5 is the voice for approximately 6,500 workers in the finishing trades across Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Utah and Northern Idaho. We are affiliated with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, AFL-CIO.
IUPAT District Council 5 is dedicated to fighting for our members and the unrepresented workers who hope to join us. At the bargaining table, in state houses, in Congress, and in the courts, District Council 5 is always looking out for the interests of working people. With industry-leading wages and benefits, District Council 5 hopes to continue the growth of our membership and the fight for working people.
IUPAT District Council 5 is dedicated to fighting for our members and the unrepresented workers who hope to join us. At the bargaining table, in state houses, in Congress, and in the courts, District Council 5 is always looking out for the interests of working people. With industry-leading wages and benefits, District Council 5 hopes to continue the growth of our membership and the fight for working people.